Code of Ethics
The Global Trade Professionals Alliance (GTPA) develops competency standards and provides a global certification programme for professionals that undertake trade related activities.
Individuals that are certified under the programme have demonstrated that they undertake their trade related responsibilities in a competent and effective manner.
GTPA also approve education and continuing professional development providers and their course/s as providing knowledge that is required in the GTPA competency standards.
All applicants, approved education providers and continuing professional development providers’ and certified Global Trade Professionals (GTPs) commit to uphold this Code of Ethics. They shall conduct their activities and behaviour in a manner that is consistent with the following ethical statements:
- apply their recognised competence and provide their approved services to the fullest extent possible whenever they are engaged in trade related activities or provide trade related knowledge;
- comply with all relevant laws and international and national conventions, including commitments on antibribery and against corrupt practices;
- act honestly and with integrity in all of their dealings;
- not make promises or commitments they know they or GTPA does not intend, or would be unable, to honour;
- adhere to the truth, and not knowingly mislead directly or indirectly or make false statements, or mislead by omission;
- use approvals, certification and any other forms of recognition provided by GTPA strictly in accordance with the terms on which those approvals, certification and forms of recognition are provided;
- treat all people with whom they deal through their work with dignity and respect;
- never discriminate, harass or bully anyone in his or her dealings. This includes being sensitive to cultural differences and that behaviours that may be acceptable to them may not be acceptable to others.