$250 million JobMaker plan to restart Australia’s creative economy

The creative industries contribute around $112 billion to the Australian economy, and employ over 640 000 people. The creative industries generate substantial Australian exports, and globally the sector accounts for 7% of the world’s GDP. COVID-19 and the measure implemented to curb its spread has had a devastating effect on the creative sector, with theatres, art galleries, music venues and museums all closed or attendance number drastically curtailed.
It is encouraging to see the Australian government recognising the value of the creative industries sector, and acknowledging the hardship this sector has faced as a result of COVID-19 measures. The recently announced AU$250 million creative industries JobMaker plan will go some way towards re-starting Australia’s creative economy. Further information can be found here: https://www.arts.gov.au/departmental-news/250-million-jobmaker-plan-restart-australias-creative-economy