ASEAN-Australia DTS Initiative – Engagement & Development Workshops

The Australian APEC Study Centre in collaboration with Australian Aid and Access Partnership, invites you to attend three online webinar sessions as part of the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Initiative (DTS). The initiative is aimed at expanding political and economic linkages between ASEAN and Australia and strengthening ASEAN-Australia’s contribution to regional security and prosperity. It's goal is to contribute to greater awareness, understanding and implementation of priority DTS by ASEAN Member States (AMS), thereby promoting greater digital trade.
Participants may register for one session or all three via the Eventbrite registration system.
How different is 5G really: The importance of aligned standards to accelerating inclusivity
Date: 30 September 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 3pm (JKT) | 4pm (SGT) | 6pm (AEST)
The turmoil brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed a dramatic shift towards digital solutions across the world. This coincides with the widening commercialization and spread of 5G – a phenomenon which may manifest in more robust networks which are better able to provide connectivity to a wider audience, for a greatly expanded set of use cases. Digital transformation across governments, businesses and societies has thus become tied to ever-accelerating efforts aimed at improving 5G network rollout and incentivizing uptake among consumers and businesses.
This 90-minute session brings together experts representing government, industry, and academia to discuss the impact of current and future standards on 5G, and the ways in which 5G can be leveraged to create inclusive outcomes.
Speakers -
- Mr Manish Kasliwal, Vice President – Business Development, American Tower Corporation
- Mr Fuad Siddiqui, Senior Partner for Asia-Pacific and Japan, Bell Labs Consulting
- Ms Shannon Kalayanamitr, Founder & CEO at 5G Catalyst Technologies
- Mr David Turkington, Head of Technology, APEC, GSMA
Facilitating Cloud Adoption in ASEAN
Date: 13 October 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 1pm (JKT) | 2pm (SGT) | 5pm (AEST)
Governments across ASEAN are increasingly recognizing the benefits of cloud computing technologies in driving innovation and productivity, and enhancing the speed, scale, and scope of digital public services, while improving security and realizing cost and time efficiencies. Similarly, in the private sector, businesses including SMEs are tapping into cloud technologies to take advantage of cost savings, data storage solutions, and greater flexibility and continuity.
This 90-minute session will bring together experts from government, industry, and academia to discuss international best practices, and experiences in developing an enabling environment for cloud adoption and deployment. Discussions will also focus on the role of international standards (e.g. ISO 270017 on security controls and ISO 27018 on protection of personally identifiable information in public clouds) in promoting trust and interoperability , and facilitating digital trade across ASEAN.
Enabling Smart Cities by Leveraging Standards
Date: 28 October 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 3pm (JKT) | 4pm (SGT) | 7pm (AEST)
What makes a city smart is not only the way it adopts digital technologies to improve the quality of life for its citizens, but also how it takes on global good practice and standards to make better decisions in a transparent and intelligent way—as technology alone is not sufficient to make cities liveable and sustainable.
This 90-minute session brings together experts to examine the strategies and systems required to improve citizens’ quality of life, the international standards and indicators currently in place, and importantly how policymakers can put this into practice to build sustainable and connected smart cities that express their individuality.
These events are jointly organised and supported by Access Partnership and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) as part of the Australian Government funded ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Initiative.