Building back better with Inclusive Trade as part of NAIDOC 2021

The NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.
As part of #NAIDOC2021 GTPA invites you to visit our Festival of Inclusive Trade from 2020 online portal and check out some of the wonderful Indigenous and Torres Straight Islander business and creative artists that were featured.
A couple of highlights include:
The Darwin Symphony Orchestra, Miyapunu performance:
The Museum & Art Gallery NT virtual walkthrough:
A discussion on collective Farming in Indigenous Communities:
A fireside chat with Indigenous Australian Botanicals:
My colleague Collins Rex who is the convener of the festival is starting to plan for the 2021 festival and this year we would love to have more events featuring indigenous business owners and creative artists.
Whilst we focus this week on NAIDOC please also take some time and consider reaching out to us to get involved later this year in a global festival discussing inclusive trade and building back better with an environment that supports greater inclusion in the global trading system of Indigenous and first nation businesses.
We must find policy solutions that can help support an inclusive trading environment but at the same time celebrate the importance of the creative industries as an important export.