Cristina Vallejos joins GTPA's working committee on Trade Management

GTPA is pleased to announce that Cristina Vallejos an expert in trade and sustainable development has recently joined the GTPA's working committee on Trade Management.
The committee will provide advice to the GTPA's International and Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) and the Executive Director of the GTPA on the development of competency standards, quality control, ongoing professional development and the global issues regarding Trade Management.
Cristina Vallejos is an expert in trade and sustainable development. She is an independent consultant. She served as an Advisor of the Ministry of Industries and Productivity (MIPRO) in Ecuador where she led the development of the "Plan Nacional de Calidad 2017" and also led organizational changes to improve quality infrastructure in order to create a better business environment to take advantage of the Ecuador – EU trade agreement.
Prior to her time in MIPRO, Cristina was the Planning and Monitoring Manager of the National Mining Company (ENAMI EP) and Advisor and a General Coordinator of Public Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation at the Coordinating Ministry of Production, Employment and Competitiveness (MCPEC). Cristina studied business administration and international trade and holds a MA in Sustainable International Development (Brandeis University) and a MSSc in Asian Studies (Tamkang University).
Find out more about Cristina and the GTPA working committees at: