Empower Her program: Women's Empowerment Network: Catalyst for Trade, Business, and Leadership

19.04.2024 Lisa McAuley, ceo
Empower Her program: Women's Empowerment Network: Catalyst for Trade, Business, and Leadership

At GTPA, we are committed to fostering gender equality and empowering women across the globe to thrive in the realms of trade, business, and leadership.

Our Women's Programs are meticulously curated initiatives designed to equip women with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to excel in their respective fields.

With a focus on promoting inclusivity, innovation, and sustainable growth, our programs provide a supportive environment where women can enhance their capabilities, expand their horizons, and unlock their full potential.

Whether it's breaking through barriers in global business, overcoming ageism in the workplace, or advancing trade and climate leadership, our programs offer transformative experiences tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women today.

Through a combination of advanced training sessions, immersive field experiences, mentorship opportunities, and networking events, participants in our programs gain invaluable insights, forge meaningful connections, and develop actionable strategies for success. From building resilient businesses to driving positive change in their communities, our participants emerge empowered to lead with confidence and impact.

Join us on a journey of empowerment, collaboration, and growth. Together, let's create a future where women thrive, businesses prosper, and community’s flourish.
