GSF2018 & ICHCA International Conference & MegaTrans Exhibition

GTPA is pleased to partner with Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) to support Australia for the first time to host the ICHCA Australia Global Shippers Forum (GSF) and International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA) annual conference and exhibition.
The Global Shippers Forum (GSF), based in London, is the world's leading association for shippers engaged in international trade moving goods by all modes of transport.
The International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving safety, security, sustainability, productivity and efficiency of cargo handling and goods movement by all modes and through all phases of national and international supply chains.
INTERNATIONAL GUESTS - we warmly welcome the world to Melbourne, Australia
Members of the Global Shippers Forum are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting, social events, port tour and two day conference for a fixed cost of US$250 - payable direct to the GSF secretariat
Other international guests registrations, please contact the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) Secretariat
this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Australian importers, exporters and logistics providers to come together to be a the forefront of global policy and compliance issues.
Through the support of peak bodies, we are delighted to offer discounts to members of the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) ; the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA) ; the Container Transport Alliance of Australia (CTAA) ; the Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) ; the Australian International Movers Association (AIMA) ; the Australian Horticulture Association (AHEA), Women's International Shipping & Trade Association (WISTA) and the Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA).
*Early Bird rates apply for the first 100 member registrations
The Crown Metropol Melbourne is a short walk to our conference at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre .
Email or phone +61 3 92926211 Toll Free 1800 056 662 (within Australia only) - to access our conference discount, please click HERE for your online booking.
Date: 8 May- 11 May 2018
Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre 1 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf, VIC, Australia.
Price: From $220.00 to $880.00
Tuesday 8 May 2018 - ICHCA International AGM / GSF, ICHCA and VIP Lord Mayor Welcome Dinner
Wednesday 9 May 2018 - ICHCA Australia Board Meeting & AGM / GSF AGM / Port Tour
Thursday 10 May 2018 - *DAY 1 CONFERENCE (registrations above)
Friday 11 May 2018 - *DAY 2 CONFERENCE (registrations above)
Friday 11 May 2018 - Cocktails Function
Thurs 10 May to Saturday 12 May 2018 - Trade Exhibition MEGATRANS2018
*Sessions that meet prescribed criteria will be accredited for Australian customs broker Continued Professional Development (CPD) points.
Important Information:
- Please enter the specific details in "Invoice To" that you need printed on your Tax Receipt/Invoice eg. company name, address, ABN number and attendee name