Making the most of business down time

As part of the maintaining a healthy business in times of global crisis, this session covered making the most of business down time.
While the bubonic plague raged elsewhere, Newton, in seclusion, embarked on what he'd later describe as the most intellectually productive period of his life and we kickstarted our discussion with the same mindset for business and the attached presentations covered the following topics:
- Get on top of your finances
- Re-visit all your sales contracts
- Keep your existing customers
- Re-think your product/service offering
- Change what you do
- Re-think your strategies
- Get an education
Following the presentation, our participants engaged in the following discussion topics:
- How much of my business going forward should be domestic and how much international?
- How do I select a (new) market?
- To keep my remaining customers, should I cut my prices?
- Where do I find information on government assistance/relief packages?
- How can I sell online?
You can download the presentation here and watch the video of the session online. Please note that we unfortunately experienced issues with internet bandwidth as I am sure most people are. We will rerecord the presentation and post this when available.