My Freight Career Chain of Responsibility (COR) Awareness Training

The Chain of Responsibility legislation is designed to make sure all people are held responsible if their actions, inactions or demands contribute to a breach of road safety.
The myfreightcareer "Chain of Responsibility Awareness Training" provides an overview of:
1. The legislation involved
2. An understanding of the responsibilities of people involved in any way in:
- preparing documents used to effect the transport of goods
- playing any part in arranging the transport of goods
- loading the goods for transport
- actually transporting the goods.
3. The potential corporate and personal penalties that can be imposed on any or all of the above persons involved in a breach of road safety
4. What steps can be taken to mitigate possible penalties
5. The identification of further training you or your staff may require to ensure compliance with COR requirements
Please note this course only provides an overview of COR requirements and should not be seen as complying with COR legislation training requirements. More detailed trai ning is also available.
1 Hour on site
Up to 5 participants - $375 + GST
Additional Participants - $75 + GST per person
Myfreightcareer is a national Registered Training Organisation operating for over 20 years in the Logistics industry and is perfectly positioned to offer a cost effective way to help your staff understand the COR requirements.
Please email us if you wold like to know more.