Rebranding Launch Professionals in International Trade (PIT)

On the occasion of PIT's relaunch under new branding, GTPA is pleased to partner with Polyglot and KPMG to invite you to hear from an experienced panel on The Future of Skills and Trade in the Digital Economy.
Faced with a rapidly increasing global digital economy it is crucial that today's Trade Professionals understand the parameters and drivers associated with new digital trends and develop effective skills to succeed in this new era.
Date: 6 March 2018, from 7:15AM to 8:45AM
Venue: KMPG, Tower Three, Level 38, Barangaroo, Sydney, NSW 2000
Cost:$15, Complimentary Buffet Breakfast Provided
RSVP here by Friday 2nd March. Seats are limited.
Guest Speakers include:
Lisa McAuley
Executive Director
Grame Barty
Chair eCommerce & Digital
Services Comitee GTPA
Daniel Spencer
Chairman PIT
Thank you to our event partners.