Supporting small business initiative

Our GTPA management team is pulling together to help to personally subsidise small businesses through a new service.
Every week we will personally look to subside access to a business service or solution / support initiatives for people self-isolated at home.
We hope that by making a small contribution here we can help small businesses/ sole traders/ freelancers whilst also at the same time providing access to valuable support services to our global business network.
To kickstart of this campaign, CEO, Lisa McAuley will subsidise access to a new online fitness and health service for up 10 individuals.
As many of those people that know me personally, I am a great believer in the importance of having a healthy, strong body and mind. This is even more important as we follow the guidelines to self-distance.
A huge part of that is your immune system and let’s focus on keeping that HIGH and keeping the stress and cortisol levels LOW.
The organisation I will be supporting is OWN IT FIT as they are a company impacted by recent restrictions and the owners have a family to support and a new little one on the way.
They will run Live sessions from the comfort of our own homes via Zoom.
A nutrition program will also shortly be rolled out specific to you also along with 1-1 coaching to ensure you absolutely get what you want from the program.
When in quarantine we ALL need structure and routine and so you will also benefit from online SOCIAL INTERACTION through chats, zoom coaching sessions and general interactions.
If you would like to receive one of the 10 free subscriptions, please message me at
Next week, I will look to then provide access to online marketing support for our network in a similar format.
Thank you kindly
The GTPA team