The 2025 Festival of Inclusive Trade: A New Era of Engagement and Innovation

04.04.2024 Lisa McAuley, CEO
The 2025 Festival of Inclusive Trade:  A New Era of Engagement and Innovation

The Global Trade Professionals Alliance (GTPA) has unveiled the innovative format of its 2025 Festival of Inclusive Trade. Set to redefine international trade events, the festival promises a blend of hybrid experiences, inclusive participation, and tailored content, making it the premier destination event for trade professionals worldwide.

In a significant leap forward from its previous online incarnations, the 2025 festival will offer a hybrid format, seamlessly integrating physical and virtual elements. This approach ensures that delegates from around the globe can engage, fostering a truly global dialogue on trade.

Participants can look forward to a diverse array of activities designed to stimulate interaction, learning, and networking. The festival will feature interactive workshops, engaging panel discussions, and vibrant networking sessions, alongside cultural exchanges that celebrate diversity. Every participant will have equal opportunities to contribute, learn, and shape the future of global trade.

Tailoring the experience to individual interests and expertise levels, the festival will offer customised content tracks. These tracks are designed to deliver maximum relevance and value, ensuring that every delegate leaves with enriched knowledge and insights.

Cutting-edge topics and emerging trends will be at the forefront, with sessions led by industry experts and thought leaders. Delegates will engage in hands-on learning through practical exercises, case studies, and simulations, enhancing their skills and understanding of key trade issues.

Unique to this year’s festival are the field trips and practical lab immersions. Delegates will have the chance to visit regional Australian businesses and communities, gaining firsthand insights into local economic landscapes and outstanding local achievements. These experiences, combined with interactive workshops and simulations in practical labs, will provide delegates with tangible skills and knowledge applicable to global trade.

The festival extends a special invitation to government and industry associations to actively participate, share insights, and collaborate on fostering inclusive trade policies. This is a prime opportunity for leaders to engage with the global trade community, demonstrate leadership, and drive meaningful change.

In addition to the festival, delegates are invited to enhance their skills and leadership capabilities through a 5-day intensive Agile Trade Leadership Boot Camp, designed to help participants navigate the complexities of modern trade dynamics.

The 2025 Festival of Inclusive Trade is your gateway to engaging with a dynamic, inclusive global trade community. To register your interest, contact us at