The APEC Inventory of Mutual Recognition Agreements for Professional Qualifications

The APEC Inventory of Mutual Recognition Agreements for Professional Qualifications, developed for APEC economies by the Australian APEC Study Centre has been published!
The key objective of the Inventory is to enhance transparency and improve access to information about mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) in APEC for individual service providers, firms, industry and governments.
As of 12 August 2021, the Inventory contains details of 178 agreements, making it the world’s most comprehensive database of MRAs.
The Inventory includes the following information for each agreement:
- Occupation
- Economies involved
- Agreement title
- Year the agreement entered into force
- Link to the competent authority in each economy
- Link to application details for professional seeking recognition
- Link to the agreement text, where available
- An assessment of the level of recognition afforded by the agreement
It is hoped that increasing transparency will help fast-track the international practice of professional and skilled service providers post-COVID-19, who will be important in facilitating trade, investment and economic recovery. The rapid adoption of online modes of service delivery during the pandemic will further accelerate cross-border provision of services, adding a new impetus to qualifications recognition work which has been until now focused on the movement of natural persons across borders.
The inventory contains functionality to submit any MRAs that are not currently in the system, and we would encourage economies to utilise this feature. We would also encourage you to promote the Inventory to your networks.
This project was funded by the Australian Government and co-sponsored by the United States and Peru.
Check out the inventory here!