The GTPA Business Resilience Awards

Over the past 12 months businesses have faced remarkable challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary steps to curb its spread. Many were forced – through legislation or circumstance – to close their doors, some bravely soldiered on while also doing their best to help support their communities. And still others managed to not just survive, but grow through agile thinking, innovative practices, and adapting to their changing circumstances.
These businesses need to be applauded. They should have their unconventional genius acknowledged! And that’s why the GTPA is launching the “GTPA Business Resilience Awards”!
All businesses that have pulled out all the stops to grow back better through the COVID-19 crisis are invited to enter. We want to hear their stories, wherever in the world they’re located! Whether a multinational with thousands of employees, or a one-person operation trading from home, business achievement in these times is worthy of celebration.
Entering is simple! There’s a basic entry form, but the important part of the submission is the business’ story, told in a two-minute video. These are the categories:
- Community champion
- Brilliant product/service pivot
- Superb staff / supply chain incentive
- People’s Choice Award (selected from across all categories, by the general public)
We’ll share the most inspiring stories with the world. A panel of business, marketing and trade experts will then choose the 25 top stories to compete in a live online pitchfest, where the winner in each category will be selected by these heavy-hitting experts. We’ll also be opening the pitchfest to public viewing so that, through an online voting system, the public can select the “People’s Choice” winner. We’ll also give finalists plenty of pitching guidance.
Entries close on Tuesday 1 June 2021. Shortlisted businesses will be invited to pitch between 14 and 18 June, and winners announced on Friday 30 June.
Your genius and sheer grit will be internationally acknowledged, and you’ll inspire others to follow your lead. But there’s more! The winning business will also be given:
- Free access to the GTPA’s Diagnostic Tools
- A scholarship for a member of your team to participate in the GTPA/Adelaide University/University of Sussex “Adaptive Trade Leadership in a Globalised World” programme
- 10 hours of expert mentoring to help take your business to the next level
Entry and further details at: