Think you know supply chains?

As part of NSW Small Business month the GTPA is holding a series of three webinars that shine the spotlight on the complexities of supply chains in 2022.
Each webinar will focus on a particular sector with often complex supply chains. We have chosen to host these events online because COVID-19 security will still be an aspect to consider in 2022.
As part of NSW Small Business month the GTPA is holding a series of three webinars that shine the spotlight on the complexities of supply chains in 2022.
Each webinar will focus on a particular sector with often complex supply chains. We have chosen to host these events online because COVID-19 security will still be an aspect to consider in 2022.
- Fashion
- Food & beverage
- Electronic components
Each webinar will feature a range of speakers, with the anchor point being a NSW business that sources inputs from a variety of downstream suppliers, and sells to a variety of upstream customers. Speakers will include the “anchor” business, downstream suppliers and upstream customers. Speakers will address issues such as:
- The modern supply chain
- Traceability
- Compliance with both Australian and international regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act • Logistics, including managing freight costs post-COVID
- Managing stock levels post-COVID
- Meeting customer requirements
- The need for end-to-end supply chain solutions
Audience questions will be invited and a moderated discussion will allow ample participation of NSW businesses.
Electronic components: Tuesday 29th March at 4.30pm. Register here:
Fashion: Wednesday 30th March at 4.30pm. Register here:
Food and beverage: Thursday 31st March at 4.30pm. Register here: