Webinar 3: Preparing Australian business to manage ESG supply chain risks and compliance
The third event will focus how Australia’s policy makers and business can best foster a climate friendly trade environment and practices and identify the key enabling factors needed to support the formulation and implementation of effective climate-friendly trade strategy. This session will incorporate an Australian hydrogen business case study.
Topics to be discussed:
· Why do Australian SMEs need to start thinking about ESG risks in their supply chain?
· How can Australian SMEs identify and map ESG risks in the supply chain?
· Global Trade Professionals Alliance, represented by Tristram Travers, Director
· Global Trade Professionals Alliance, represented by Lisa McAuley, CEO.
Date & Time: 8th December at 12pm AEST for 1 hour Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NOJ04r3lTOqLaO2U1tWmiA